San Diego, CA August 18, 2023 – Cal Am Manufacturing is excited to introduce Wedge Seal™ Entry Seal for Microduct Pathway Entry Seal Duct Plugs for Microduct pathway | Cal Am Manufacturing
Wedge Seal™ Entry Seals for Microduct Pathway systems are designed to seal various shapes and sizes, including the typical 3-way triangle, 4-way square, and 7-way or 19-way hexagon configurations. This innovative product is the first of its kind in the microduct pathway market. With a design replicating our decades-proven Wedge Seal Entry Seal line, contractors will have the same clean install experience they have come to love from Cal Am products. This is an incredible addition to the Cal Am system: a fully comprehensive datacenter solution for sealing conduit, microduct, innerduct, and fiber optic cable.
NEW Entry Seals compatible with DuraLine® FuturePath™ and other microduct pathways

WHO NEEDS IT: Datacenter professionals who use, buy, or sell microduct pathway will experience significant benefits from these first of their kind Entry Seals.
WHAT IS IT: Our new Wedge Seals Entry Seals for Microduct Pathway are designed to secure and protect a vast number of microduct pathway configurations within a 4” | 100mm conduit.
HOW IT WORKS: Utilizing a split design, the seal is wrapped around the pathway and inserted into the conduit. The gasket is then expanded using simple hand tools, creating a water and air-resistant seal to protect the microduct.

Thermoplastic Elastomer Seal: When the gasket is expanded, it creates a tight seal that makes it air and water-resistant to protect the investment. |
Split Design: The split design of the plug is retrofit installable, meaning there is always time to install it after a project is completed to protect the investment. | |
Non-metallic materials: Constructed from non-metallic materials and, therefore, corrosion-resistant, making the seal long-lasting and cost-effective for any project. |